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Bild von Mam

Thaifrau Mam, 43 Jahre Echt

My future partner: a man aged 50 and over. Who wants a true relationship, true love, not just sex.

About me: I am a little shy, likes to listen to other peoples opinions, fun and cheerful. I likes cleaning and cooking.
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Children: 2 people.
Work: Housekeeper in a restaurant.
Languages: Thai, English and studying German.
Hobbies: Exercise.

Meine Adresse / My Address Adresse von Mam

P​aneenat T​anapan Echt

Wichit Sub-District
Mueang District

Adresse auf Karte (BING experimentell) Adresse auf Karte (Google experimentell)


🧡 THAIFRAU-Inserat Nummer (ID): 11158, Stand 06.02.2024